Join us

If you wish to support our cause, you can do so by making a donation!

The Association Les Culottées has an ambitious project, that of bringing together progressive homosexual women and feminist of all countries and their friends, under the umbrella of solidarity and sorority.

Les Culottées is organised around a national and international network thanks to you all, and thanks to ambassadors appointed by the founding members, by city, and/or by region, regardless of the country.

The ambassadors agree to remove themselves from any discriminatory structure of any kind, or any other structure which could harm women and the entire LGBT+ community.You can choose to invest yourselves regularly, by offering your personal and professional skills, your talents, your desires …

The Association Les Culottées is open exclusively to women. Only women can join the forum and have access to it. Of course, all other supporters are very welcome and can become contributing members.

There are two possible memberships, each valid for one year from the date of subscription:
€ 6.00 (for those on low income)€ 14.00 (regular membership)

Les Culottées will not request any supporting documents. Everyone is free to join according to their wishes and their financial means.

We welcome donations of any amount.

You can get in touch with us at: